Findings of the ‘Your voice, your data, your say’ engagement on social wellbeing and the protection and use of data published

Between May and September the Social Investment Agency hosted 83 hui in 27 locations across New Zealand, and ran two online surveys to hear what people had to say about the Government’s approach to investing for social wellbeing, and how the social sector uses data.

Today we publish the findings of the ‘Your voice, your data, your say’ engagement in a report titled What you told us - Findings of the ‘Your voice, your data, your say’ engagement on social wellbeing and the protection and use of data [PDF, 802 KB].

The findings point to a significant opportunity the Government shares with the social sector, to do what works for better lives for all New Zealanders.

We’re sharing the report because it’s important for everyone to know what New Zealanders using social services and organisations working to provide those services think about Government’s approach to investing for social wellbeing, and how the social sector uses data. It’s important for everyone to understand the perspectives of Māori, Pacific communities and disabled people, among others. The findings point to an opportunity the Government shares with the social sector, to do what works for better lives for all New Zealanders.

Synthesis process

To develop genuine findings, we had to authentically listen and learn from what you told us. This required a consistent, impartial method of analysis. You can learn about the method we used in our report From listening to learning [PDF, 476 KB].

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